Inkscape Tutorial: Warped Text for Cricut Design Space

Inkscape is an amazing free program that can help you create your own SVG files for free for Cricut crafting. Let’s go through this tutorial on how to warp text in Inkscape!

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Cricut Design Space is releasing warped text within the program and right now it is in Beta (you can read more about that here) but they have preset warping options and of course they aren’t making it free. So, let’s learn how to warp text FOR FREE in inkscape.

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Watch the full tutorial on Wavy Warped Text in Inkscape Below

YouTube video

Step One: Make Your Text into a Path

First is to actually write out your text – I am using a retro font that I downloaded from Creative Fabrica – you can try them out here! You have to make your text into a path which I like to call a useable font. If you do not change your text into a path, your Cricut and Cricut Design Space will not read it and it will not upload properly. So start by writing out your text and then select, use your drop down menu path and then towards the top (on a mac) object to path. This will make each letter into a path that you can now manipulate with nodes and paths.

how to create warp text in inkscape tutorial for cricut crafts

From here, you want to grab each individual letter and union them with the drop down menu again. If you don’t union, each letter will be it’s own path and you won’t be able to make the waves and warps in one word.

Step Two: Warping Text in Inkscape

While you have your text selected go back to your drop down menu then path and towards the bottom, path effects. This is bring up a side menu to work with. While you have the text selected hit the plus sign. A pop up menu will come up with so many options to work with. However, we want to select lattice deformation.

how to create warp text in inkscape tutorial for cricut crafts

This will add a grid to your text, to see this grid you will need to be in node mode.

Once you have added your lattice and are in node mode, you can move the nodes in the grid to warp your text. For a wave I grab the second node from the top or bottom and move it up or down. This is really up to you and what you are looking for in your SVG.

how to create warp text in inkscape tutorial for cricut crafts

Step Three: Set the Warped Text

Once you have finished warping your text in Inkscape, you should “set it”. While the text is selected, go to path and then object to path again. This will hold that warp you put in. I definitely have forgotten this before and the SVG still works but if you are manipulating the text more you may need this step.

Step Four: Optional Change the Colors

To change my colors on each word, I used path then break apart. Then I went through and changed all the letter colors without the holes. I union these and then sent them back. Then I union the black holes from the letters and select the holes and the word in the back and use the path – difference option to cut out the holes! And that’s it. I am done.

how to create warp text in inkscape tutorial for cricut crafts

You can grab this SVG for free here!

Step Five: Save the SVG File

Save your SVG to your computer and then upload into Cricut Design Space, if you used multiple colors, you will see the layers off to the side!

Stay Crafty!

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